Hypnotherapy for
irritable bowel syndrome
Using hypnotherapy I can help you manage irritable bowel syndrome and break free from its limitations
Living with IBS is miserable – stomach pains, cramps, bloating, constipation or never wanting to be far from the toilet..
The exact causes are unknown. IBS sufferers usually have no physical abnormalities in the bowel so it has been suggested that there is a strong link between stress, trauma and emotional upset. What seems to happen is that the bowel becomes super sensitive and responds with violent contractions or spasms. It is these symptoms that can be alleviated using hypnotherapy.
How can hypnotherapy help with IBS?
Hypnotherapy could help in the following ways:
Helping you to relax, easing the symptoms if they are triggered by stress
Teaching you powerful visualisation techniques to imagine relief for your symptoms
Programming in a new positive reaction to stress triggers
Thanks to the research of Professor Peter Whorwell of Wythenshaw University Hospital Manchester, hypnotherapy is now acknowledged by the medical profession as an effective treatment for IBS. My hypnotherapy treatment is based on his work.